What is the gastroenterology consult, and when is it required?

Gastroenterology is the field of medicine that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of digestive tract disorders (oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine) and the ancillary organs (liver and gallbladder, pancreas). We are  the best Gastroenterology consultants in USA.

Digestive problems are frequent illnesses. Most of us have experienced stomach cramps or burns, or other transit issues at some point during our lives. This is why Doctor. Elena Ciuperca explains to those who read Ziare.com what the scope of a gastroenterology consult is and when it's required.

Here are some scenarios that you need to have an evaluation in your gastroenterology

- Chronic or acute transit-related disorder (constipation /diarrhea)

- Chronic or severe abdominal pain

Chronic abdominal pain can affect the quality of life

- Swallowing disorders that cause discomfort or difficulty swallowing

- Vomiting, persistent nausea

- Digestive bleeding: vomiting of fresh or digested blood, stools of fresh or digested blood

- Assessment of the patient suffering from anaemia

Burns or regurgitations if they often occur and impact your quality of life

- Anal pain

The colouration is yellow on mucous membranes, and the skin is jaundiced.

- Growing the size of the abdomen.

- Bad breath

There are changes in the liver test results (TGO, TGP, total and direct bilirubin GGT, alkaline phosphatase).

In most cases, it is necessary to control the symptoms in the event of severe or persistent digestive issues.

In the consultation with gastroenterology, the doctor, a specialist, evaluates the complaints, identifies the characteristics of the patients and then focuses on the possible factors. Additionally, the patient's health issues and medications are considered, and risks are listed (family diseases that carry hereditary transmission risk chronic family infections working in an environment that is toxic drinking alcohol, stress, smoking consumption).

A clinical exam of the patient can give additional information regarding the diagnosis orientation, such as skin coloration or discoloration of mucous membranes (pallor in patients suffering from anaemia or yellowing in those who have jaundice) and the presence of diffuse or localized abdominal sensitivity on palpation, intense palpation or sensitivity in patients with acute abdomens mass that is palpable and organs, or enlarged organs and generalized enlargement of the stomach, and so on.

If someone has had recent studies, they might aid in speeding the diagnosis process. This is why it is crucial to check all current medical records. Then, the doctor will choose the appropriate details.

Additionally, if he takes an ongoing medical condition, it is advisable to have a list of the drugs he's taking so that he does not miss any that falls under the rules of emotions. This is crucial since some medications may cause digestive side effects or interactions with medicine prescribed by the gastroenterologist.

If the patient doesn't have any recent medical tests, following the consultation and examination, the doctor will develop an investigation plan, which could consist of blood and stool tests and abdominal ultrasound (for assessment of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, pancreas and any other extra digestive organs in the abdomen - kidneys, spleen, uterus, and the prostate and ovaries) Upper digestive endoscopy (for investigating the esophagus stomach, and the first segment in the duodenum) or lower. (for looking into the large intestine).

If the patient is in required medical preparation for the examination (usually having the stomach empty) and if the time is available abdominal ultrasound and upper digestive endoscopy may be conducted during the appointment.

Based on the specific situation depending on the scenario, imaging investigations such as computed tomography MRI might be necessary (eg to determine the pancreatic or liver-related pancreatic tumors detected with ultrasound or to determine the extent of colorectal or stomach tumors) or barium transit (eg for the assessment of the endoscopic digestive tract narrowing or for the identification and treatment of trans hiatal gastric hernias) Echo endoscopy (evaluation which uses an endoscope equipped with an ultrasound transducer on the end, which allows combine the two techniques to gather high-quality details regarding lesions in the in the digestive tract, their lymph nodes, as well as changes to the pancreas and distal liver ducts),endoscopic video capsule (a capsule that films at two or more ends and will provide information on changes in the interior of the small or the large intestine) or extremely specific examinations like esophageal manometry or rectal manometry (which analyzes pressure changes) and esophageal pH meter (which detects the changes in the pH of the esophagus using an instrument and could be necessary in the examination of patients suffering from reflux disease.).

After completing the investigation plan, The gastroenterologist will determine if it's the diet that must be followed by the patient and also the prescribed treatment for the patient.

Which are some of the frequent gastroenterological disorders :

- Gastroesophageal reflux disease-characterized by the frequent presence of symptoms of reflux burns, regurgitation

Gastritis - irritation of stomach liner

Gastric and duodenal ulcer - is the appearance of a "wound" in the stomach or duodenum.

Inflammatory bowel disorders

 Crohn's disease ulcerative colitis are chronic infections that may affect various parts of the digestive tract., triggered by an abnormal response in the immune system.

Irritable bowel syndrome is defined as chronic or recurring abdominal pain associated with transit disorders.

Celiac disease, gluten intolerance

Colonic diverticulosis is the appearance of "bags" of mucosa in vulnerable regions in the intestinal wall. They may be aggravated by bleeding, inflammation, or a colon narrowing.

-- Gallstones are gallstones in the gallbladder or the bile ducts, which could trigger colic in the biliary tract and other complications, such as cholecystitis or acute pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis that is chronic and acute - chronic or acute irritation of the pancreas

- Chronic liver diseases - viral, toxic, medicinal, autoimmune, etc.

Anorectal pathology, hemorrhoidal diseases, Anal fissures, anal fissures, etc.

Digestive cancers (oesophagus stomach, esophagus and pancreas), rectum, gallbladder, liver, and bile and ducts) constitute one of the more frequent cancers. Colon cancer treatment is second for women and in the 3rd spot for males in terms of frequency. Gastric cancer is second in the rate of death from cancer. Most cancers that cause digestive tracts develop in the fourth decade of life. They are those which affect the oesophagus, gallbladder or bile ducts can be found at the end of the 6th decade in life, but the appearance of these cancers in young individuals is uncommon.


In conclusion, consultation with a gastroenterologist is required when severe or persistent digestive issues occur. In most instances, these complaints are not specific and may be present in a variety of conditions with varying prognosis and treatment. For example, bloody stools may signify haemorrhoids or colorectal cancer. However, the same tests aren't needed, nor is the treatment similar. Instead, the specialist doctor determines the plan of investigation and monitoring and the treatment in conjunction with the medical information the doctor collects.

Sometimes, digestive disorders can't be identified in one visit and may require multiple investigations that are linked. In addition, other conditions require treatment to be modified based on the response and diseases that require ongoing treatment (e.g. IBD or decompensated liver cirrhosis).

One of the crucial consultations required to determine the diagnosis and treatment, the most important is establishing mutual respect and trust between the doctor and patient and a good level of communication.