The composition of regular table salt contains 97-99% of one ingredient: sodium chloride. This is why they refer to it as "white death" - after all, the excess sodium chloride causes severe problems to the cardiovascular system. It causes strain on the kidneys and also stores fluids in the body. In reality, the color of the salt rock is exceptionally dark, and it's chemically clarified using chemicals and high temperatures (for instance, the salt is dried to temperatures of 650 degrees C, after which it is infused with bleach). Because of the purification process for boiling salt using recrystallization (drying in a hot oven, using special chemicals), nearly all of the valuable components within the salt are removed.

Anti-caking agents added to regular salt are permitted under DSTU, and when the limit is exceeded, the substances are poisonous and hazardous to human health. For instance, sodium ferrocyanide (E 535) is a chemical that contains the cyanide compound potassium ferrocyanide (E 536), is a derivative of potassium cyanide, or the potassium hexacyanoferrate ferric-cyanide calcium ferrocyanide (E 538) The amount of these compounds should not exceed 20 mg/ kg in salt. Likewise, sodium aluminosilicate (E 554) - the standard of the substance shouldn't exceed 10 grams per kilogram in salt.

If you believe that you can resolve the issue by substituting rock salt for iodized salt, then you're mistaken. It is artificially enhanced with iodine. Under the pressure of cooking temperatures, there's no evidence of this left. So, in the end, you are paying too much by eating this sodium chloride in its original form and forcing your heart to put up with wear and wear and tear.

A solution has been discovered! Replace the standard "harmful salt" with a healthier alternative - pink Himalayan salt, mined at the base of Himalayan mountains. The only salt deposits in the world are situated in Pakistan's Khyber salt mining area. Salt's pink hue and functional composition are because of volcanic magma that rushed down the mountains to seawater thousands of years ago, infusing it with microelements and minerals.

We've compiled an extensive list of beneficial properties of pink Himalayan salt for you to ensure you don't have to doubt for a second that you made the best decision.

Himalayan salt is a singular source of at minimum 25 essential trace elements. It is rich in calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, and iodine. These elements remain in their original form. They are entirely absorbed by the body's cells without any transformations occurring during metabolism. Therefore, regular consumption of pink salt supplies your body with all essential trace elements and minerals.

Pink salt is the purest in the world. It is extracted only by hand and is not treated with chemical or thermal treatment. This means that beneficial particles are absorbed into your body in their innate nature, with no harmful impurities. In comparison, rock salt is extracted by mining combined with boiling salt, getting rid of brine forms. Also, the lower refined, less processed, and refined salt is more beneficial to the body.

In your body, Himalayan salt emits ions that break down harmful molecular bonds and accumulate salt and sclerotic growths and blood vessels. In addition, as the Himalayan salt is evaporated, the atmosphere is flooded with sodium, which is beneficial.

Himalayan salt can be the ideal treatment for ridding the body of toxic substances and toxins. In addition, its treatment effectively restores the body and rejuvenates the skin.

Pink salt helps restore the water-salt metabolism and helps maintain its balance since it doesn't store fluid in tissues like table salt. Additionally, it has electrolytes essential to stop dehydration.

The immense advantages and benefits of Himalayan pink salt are in treating conditions of the muscles and skeletal system. In addition, its use eases arthritis pain. In this regard, it is recommended to bathe in warm water along with half one cup of salt.

Pink Himalayan salt is an excellent option to treat skin problems. It can be used for treating acne (inflammation of glands that produce sebaceous fluid) and acne and Psoriasis. It "pulls out" toxins from the epidermis. It has distinct cleansing and exfoliating qualities.

Salt baths to lose weight are also used extensively in cosmetology. Pink salt boosts metabolism, assists the body in burning off excess fat, and doesn't retain fluid. Additionally, the pink salt scrub with coffee grounds or honey cleanses the skin and provides the appearance of a slimmer body while leaving it soft and smooth. Pink salt baths can relax the body and have an overall therapeutic effect.

Himalayan salt is used to create an exclusive therapeutic technique - speleotherapy. Patients are confined to a specific salt cave where the air is filled with beneficial ions. Speleotherapy helps stabilize the state of the nervous system of central nerves. It effectively treats asthma, allergies as well as fatigue. It can also help relieve insomnia and chronic fatigue.

Himalayan pink salt is a fantastic method to boost your immunity. In addition, the crystals it contains help combat respiratory ailments; they can be employed as a preventative measure against flu, and inhaling salt can relieve nasal congestion (inflammation in the sinuses of the paranasal) and dry cough. To avoid sinusitis, dilute one teaspoon of salt in ice-cold glass and inhale the solution several times using your nose and expel it. It is also possible to wash your nostrils with a rubber bulb or a pear.

We've listed just the primary beneficial properties found in Himalayan pink salt. Its applications are much broader in cosmetology, medicine, and of course, cooking. Celebrity chefs from all over the world have long recognized the distinct flavor of pink salt, as well as its benefits to the body. Thus, the culinary expert chef and restauranteur Jamie Oliver even launched his line of Himalayan pink salt. Mark Bitterman, the author of an article on the significance of salt when cooking, asserts that pink salt is a source of up to eighty (!) trace elements that generally are not present in its industrial cousin. Be on the cutting edge of healthy modern trends give your family a treat with delicious, healthy delights. Let each meal provide energy and vitality to your family and you!

* In the spirit from PE "SPS" TM "Pripravka" within the Scientific Center for Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety named in honor of. Professor Medved, Ministry of Health of Ukraine carried out an analysis of the spectral chemical compositions of the minerals found in pink salt. According to his findings, it was determined that pink salt has at minimum the essential elements of trace minerals and trace elements essential to a person's health in addition to significant amounts of iron (Fe) as well as calcium (Ca) and potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) which is the reason for its pink hue.