Everything you need to know about solar panels before installing them

Among his plans for space and electric cars, Leon Musk, the visionary you could present to your child as a superhero, took the time to turn his attention to solar energy. And this can give you an idea of ​​how important this energy alternative will be in the future. Or it is already because it can be a source of electricity, heat, hot water and even air conditioning, with an optimized consumption and without harming the environment as traditional solutions do.

Inspect Energy is the best online solar consulting agency in Pakistan. Who not only connects you with Top Solar Companies in Pakistan, but also provide you the list of top solar panels in Pakistan, best solar inverters and best solar batteries.

Types of solar panels

How solar panels work

How much energy do solar systems produce

What solar panel accessories do you need if your home is not connected to the alternative energy grid

Proper maintenance of solar

panels Benefits of solar panels in an economic context

Advantages of solar panels in an ecological context

Possible disadvantages of using solar panels

Installing solar panels can reduce the household's carbon dioxide footprint by the equivalent of 88 trees planted each year.

If you are also interested in this innovative technology, we will detail the subject throughout the article so that you have all the information at the time of the decision.

The installation of photovoltaic panels is also supported at the national level through the Environmental Fund Administration program. In 2019, the registration period for financing the structure of this type of panels was between January 25 and March 1. Within this program, 30,000 individuals have the opportunity to receive a total subsidy of 20,000 lei for the installation of photovoltaic systems. Through this type of program, the authorities aim that in 2019 the number of those who use green, non-polluting energy will be much higher than in previous years.

How many types of solar panels are there?

Judging by their use, you can choose between photovoltaic and thermal panels and select them according to how they are built; they are divided into monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous for photovoltaic and flat or vacuum tubes for thermal.

Photovoltaic panels

Photovoltaic panels convert solar radiation into electricity in a battery-powered or grid-connected photovoltaic system. Its photovoltaic cells capture energy as a light detector and convert it into electricity through a 2-layer silver film mounted around a semiconductor layer.

  1. Monocrystalline photovoltaic panels are the highest quality products but also the most expensive. Technology has evolved from 6% efficiency since 1950 to 20% today, depending on the size of the solar panel.
  2. However, the most common photovoltaic panels are the polycrystalline ones, for the price of 10% lower, but also with a maximum efficiency of 16%.
  3. Amorphous photovoltaic panels remain the least efficient in conditions of intense light (5-7% efficiency) but compensate if they are placed in environments with low light conditions when they prove to be the most efficient. Another benefit is that they can be mounted on curved or flexible support. They are usually the choice of carriers to be placed on boats. Here is a more elaborate explanation of the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline:

Solar thermal panels

Leonardo Da Vinci has been using solar energy for domestic purposes since the 15th century when he used a concave mirror to direct light to heat water. Today's solar thermal panels are built for the same purpose, extended to the heating of the house or the pool, in a slightly more developed system than that of the Renaissance thinker. Solar thermal panels are of 2 types.

  1. Flat thermal panels use an absorbent element that converts solar radiation into thermal energy and transfers it to a thermal agent (water/antifreeze). Thus, the point is taken to be stored or used on the spot by the collector. The metal housing is weather-resistant, and energy losses are usually low.
  2. Thermal panels with vacuum tubes consist of 2 concentric tubes of borosilicate glass welded together in each collector line. The space between the pipes is emptied, and their advantage is the efficient absorption of energy and reduced reflexivity. There are multiple types of vacuum tubes, but heat pipes are the most recommended.