Himalayan pink salt in medicine use

To improve sleep, strengthen the body's defences, normalize the digestive organs, the heart system, and improve the circulatory system's functioning, it is recommended to prepare a saline solution from Himalayan. A teaspoon of ground salt is dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Dose - one teaspoon three times daily before meals.

Salt baths are helpful for skin problems thyroid diseases. Salt baths for asthma help vapours enter the lungs. Together with them, minerals enter the epidermis layer, which contributes to removing toxins and toxins. To prepare a salt bath, pink Himalayan salt is dissolved in water at 40 degrees. The calculation of the components must correspond to the following figures: 1.2 kg of salt per 100 litres of water.

Salt compresses normalize tissues and joints faster than they would without pink salt. The same solution is suitable for a compress in the fight against bags under the eyes. Similar remedies for the treatment of wounds from insect bites will help. The recipe for a saline solution for a compress consists of a teaspoon of this salt and a litre of water.

Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, diseases of the tonsils will be cured faster if you gargle with a solution of Himalayan.

Sound will be inhalations with this salt in the treatment of lungs, throat, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Many diseases can be cured by using a Himalayan supplement. But you should always follow the rules of its intake and drink clean plain water.

For women                                                                

Using this nutritional supplement, women will feel an improvement in the condition of bones, hair, skin, nails, muscles. Due to salt intake through food, more intensive absorption of nutrients into the blood occurs. The use of Himalaika normalizes the content of glucose and iodine in the body. In the female body, the production of hormones is normalized, reproductive functions are improved. The use of salt with food is especially indicated for women experiencing menopause. During menstruation, the iron contained in salt helps control discharge and replenish the lack of a mineral.

For men

This product is helpful for the male body and the female due to the rich content of helpful trace elements in it. The calcium it contains strengthens bones. In addition, the biochemical parameters of the blood improve, the pressure normalizes. If a married couple has problems conceiving, the man should also take pink Himalayan salt with food.

For men and women, salt helps cleanse the body from slagging, from radionuclides. In treating prostate and impotence, Himalayan salt also has a positive effect.

Women and men can feel the benefits of pink salt during cold seasons because strengthening immunity is the merit of salt. Regular use of this nutritional supplement improves a person's well-being and mood.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women should seek expert advice before incorporating pink Himalayan salt into their diet. The undoubted benefit will bring the salt of the expectant mother to prevent osteoporosis. Thanks to her, women will have a regular sleep and reduce stress. Himalayan helps increase fluid intake, and it is also essential during pregnancy because the necessary volume of amniotic fluid is maintained. But the selection of the daily norm of salt should be strictly individual.

When breastfeeding

Breastfeeding children should not be a reason to avoid pink Himalayan salt. A considerable amount of functional trace elements positively affect the baby through breast milk, and increased fluid intake due to salt also positively affects milk production.

For children

According to paediatricians, salt should not be present in the diet of children under one and a half years old. It is believed that the amount of salt contained in the products is sufficient for them. In any case, expert advice in such matters is required. Salt enters the child's body from the first days of life through the mother's breast milk.

For children, pink Himalayan salt can treat cold skin problems or heal wounds from animal or insect bites. To increase the child's immunity and disinfect his body, you can visit salt rooms with him, where, while playing, you can inhale Himalayan vapours. Interestingly, Pakistani children are given salt crystals instead of candy because of their pleasant taste.