Himalayan Pink Salt: Benefits and Applications

How is Himalayan salt different from regular salt?

How is Himalayan pink salt mined?

How to use Himalayan salt?

How to choose the right salt lamp?

Decided to give up harmful table salt and are looking for a replacement? Pay attention to Himalayan salt, which is gaining popularity among adherents of a healthy lifestyle every year.

How is Himalayan salt different from regular salt?

Real Himalayan salt is known worldwide for its many health benefits. It contains up to 90 different minerals, which is incomparably very useful for our body: magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium, boron, iron, fluorine, iodine, chromium, manganese, selenium, zinc, radium and platinum. Salt received a characteristic pale pink tint due to the high content of iron. For comparison, ordinary table salt contains only 2 components: chromium and sodium.

If you look at the structure of table salt and Himalayan salt under a microscope, you can see a huge difference between these salts. Table salt contains unrelated crystalline structures, while Himalayan salt is a complete unity of all elements, the harmony of nature in its purest form. This main feature explains why the body needs additional energy to digest table salt, many elements are not absorbed, and the body takes everything from Himalayan salt very easily.

How is Himalayan pink salt mined?

The place of concentration of salt on the tops of the Himalayan mountains, near Pakistan. Salt is mined exclusively by hand. This is necessary in order to maintain the purity of the product. Explosives, various equipment can pollute the salt with their exhaust, in order to completely exclude this possibility, therefore people abandoned modern methods of salt extraction.

Himalayan salt is extracted in small or large blocks (pieces) directly from the salt layers. Next, the Himalayan salt is sent for sorting, where blocks suitable for the production of edible salt are washed and dried in the sun for further grinding into the required fractions.

How to use Himalayan salt?

On the kitchen. Himalayan edible salt can easily replace table salt when cooking, pickling vegetables, ideal for cooking seafood and other exotic dishes. Now special salt tiles for frying and stewing are beginning to appear on the market for kitchen appliances. Fans of cooking will be interested in the Himalayan salt mortar and crusher.

For cosmetic purposes. Useful Himalayan salt for baths, home bath treatments and other spa treatments. It saturates the steamed air with useful trace elements (barium, sodium), has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, cures bronchitis, allergies and other infectious diseases. The skin after baths becomes cleaner, acne and other imperfections disappear. As a bonus, you can make a scrub with Himalayan salt, so you get rid of cellulite faster, improve metabolism at the cellular level, make the skin softer, more elastic and even.

Scrub-detox for hair and scalp with Himalayan salt

A detox scrub will help cleanse the scalp and hair itself of accumulated residues of products, dead skin particles and bacteria, and with regular use will make hair stronger and shinier.


Pink Himalayan salt - 1/3 cup.

Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp

Coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Grapefruit essential oil - 10 drops

Method of preparation: if you come across salt with large granules, it must be crushed to a fine state. Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl. Scrub is ready! Apply the scrub to dry scalp with light circular motions, leave for 3-4 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Mint peeling for heels with Himalayan salt

Pink Himalayan salt - 1 cup.

Soda - 1 cup.

Peppermint essential oil - 5 drops

Method of preparation: Mix all the ingredients well so that the essential oil is evenly distributed throughout the mixture. It is better to apply peeling on the steamed skin of the feet, massaging for 2-3 minutes, after which it must be washed off with warm water.

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in alternative medicine. Large blocks of Himalayan salt, which are not crushed, are used to build salt rooms. They are designed to combat respiratory diseases, strengthen immunity, general recovery of the body as a whole. Gargling with saline solution strengthens the gums and teeth, eliminates bleeding and bad breath. Himalayan salt lamps are also used to purify the air in apartments . There are a lot of such lamps in our catalog. Choose for your interior!

How to choose the right salt lamp?

Himalayan salt lamps are natural ionizers and beautiful lamps for your home or office.

Weight is the most important factor. For small lamps of 2-3 kg, ionizing radiation spreads within a radius of up to 2-3 m. For lamps larger, for 4-5 kg, the impact area already reaches 20 sq.m. If the area of ​​​​the room is larger (studio, office, etc.) - use several lamps or one for 5-7 kg.

Lamp shape. The natural form is the most popular type of salt lamp. Most often, people prefer natural shapes because of their natural look. They are part of the rock from which they were mined.

Artificial shape - salt lamps in the form of a pyramid, bowl, leaves, etc. Skillfully selected shape of the lamp will fit it into any room design.

Candlesticks - Himalayan salt is also available as candlesticks, without a built-in lamp. To use the beneficial properties of salt, you must insert a tea candle inside, which will heat the salt and start the ionization process.

Power type. A salt lamp is most often powered by a conventional electrical outlet, but there are models that work via a USB port (a great gift for office workers).