Salt Seasoning Himalayan Pink – review

Compliance with the P.P. is not easy. Especially if you like sweets and are used to sinning with K.F.C. and Burger King. But everything becomes more manageable if done with inspiration.

It seems like all my life, I've been losing weight and growing my hair out.

Having tested this diet, this one, and this one, I concluded that it's time to stop torturing yourself and, at least for the sake of the experiment, try to eat right.

But just as a holistic image of a beautiful woman is impossible without taking into account accessories, proper nutrition is impossible without using healthy ingredients, even in such trifles as salt.

Therefore, new salt has taken its place of honor in the kitchen. Hitherto unknown and untested. But very cute and, somehow, even in a girlish way, pink. Himalayan, as the label proudly proclaimed.

I have searched several websites looking for information about pink salt. Each article describes its unique virtues inherent only in pink salt, which comes from the Himalayas—some advice using it in cooking and cosmetology.

For example, pink salt baths are beneficial. They help rejuvenate the skin, heal minor wounds and acne, and even fight excess weight. Baths also relax muscles after a hard day's work, help fight stress, improve blood circulation and even relieve joint pain.

By the way, pink salt for the reason that it is rich in iron.

It also helps in the fight against colds—ideal for gargling with a sore throat. And even for inhalation - it kills microbes in the air.

For some reason, pregnant women are not recommended to experiment with pink salt.

Some say that customary salt is not suitable for meat, but only pink salt is right. Allegedly, only she can emphasize the exquisite taste with blood. But this is for true and special gourmets.

What does the official website of "Spices" tell us about this salt? Why is it unique, and is it Himalayan?

During the time that I used this salt, I began to want corn constantly)) And also beans and canned peas. I can not explain this strange connection, but for some reason, it is.

I have a pink salad bowl that perfectly matches the color of the pink salt. A trifle, but nice.

Girls are such girls.

Some have written that the salt has a distinct smell. I didn't feel it at all. The scent is no different from ordinary salt. I am especially compared.

There is no considerable difference in taste either. There is a subtle aftertaste.

I doubt it was brought to my kitchen table from the Himalayas themselves. I'm such a skeptic, sorry.

But I have a lot of respect for Pripravka itself. They have always had great products. I especially liked the seasonings for the grill and barbecue. Or those with Hector on the package. (for fans of S.T.B. and Master Chef).

And they often, as a gift, attach wooden spoons-mixers to the seasoning with tape, as they are correctly called there ...

In general, well done.

But ... if only all this advertising of natural Himalayan salt turned out to be true.

My conclusions: the placebo effect is our everything) now the food seems to be tastier than with ordinary salt.

During the use of salt, I was inspired to cook and experiment with dishes. And it's so nice when the time comes to salt the word, and the hand itself reaches for a bag with this beautiful pink potion.

salt is so cute ♥♥♥ (well, really, a very delicate color)

salt particles are medium in size and dissolve quickly, do not crunch on the teeth (I wouldn't say I like it terribly)

my version of P.P. involves most of the vegetable dishes. It's hard without salt. Ordinary salt retains fluid in the body. Pink, oddly enough, no. Or not really.